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What Makes Chipboard Boxes Different

Mailer box ShellShock420


To some, a box is a box. It has six sides and is usually made out of cardboard. Most people do not spend a lot of time thinking about boxes, but the reality is that there are a lot of different types of boxes and there are plenty of different materials used to make the boxes. One of the types of boxes that some may not have heard are chipboard boxes. It may be worth taking some time to learn about these and how they are used.

What Are These Boxes

Cardboard boxes are made in many different ways and have many different purposes. One type of cardboard used to make boxes that people are familiar with is corrugated cardboard. That is a type of cardboard that is well known for its strength. It is made by placing pieces of folded paper in between two sheets of paper. This is all glued together and results in a very strong piece of cardboard. When making a chipboard box does not have the paper between two pieces of paper, but is rather a solid piece of cardboard. It can come in varying thicknesses, depending on how it is used.

How is Chipboard Used

Because it can come in so many different sizes, shapes and thicknesses, chipboard can be used in many different ways. It is commonly used to hold the products that are seen on store shelves. A classic example of a chipboard box is the cereal boxes. Because it is easier to cut than other types of cardboard it is often used for art projects. Like other cardboard boxes, it is easy to add custom graphics to the chipboard that makes it a great marketing tool.

One of the types of chipboard that is used for boxes is called white chipboard. A clay coating is applied to one side of the chipboard. This is a very effective type of cardboard when graphics are being applied.

Chipboard boxes provide manufacturers with another option when it comes to packaging. Many will find that it is the right choice not only for packaging their product, but also for shipping it. While it may not always provide the strength of other types of cardboard it does have other benefits such as the ability to provide better graphics. It is up to businesses to learn about this type of box and how they can best use it.

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