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The Many Uses of a Corrugated Ballot Box

Corrugated Ballot Box

When one thinks of ballot boxes, candidates and elections always come to mind. Not many people think much about ballot boxes in Toronto Ontario if no voting is going to take place but what most fail to realize is that there are many events where corrugated ballot boxes can be of use.

With creativity and imagination, you can turn a simple and often ignored corrugated ballot box into a conversation and useful piece in the following events and occasions:

Fundraising Events

When you organize fundraising events for charitable organizations or your community, you can have a large corrugated ballot box where attendees can drop their donations. You can design the box according to the theme of the event, add balloons, and other accessories to make it more noticeable. You can also add quotes and other touching messages to encourage attendees and participants to donate more.

Human Resources or Company Activities

Human resource department personnel need to know how they can better serve the employees of the company by getting feedback on their projects and programs. Instead of asking employees to give the survey feedback form personally to the HR office, the HR staff can place a ballot box in the lounge or lobby where employees can drop their feedback forms or suggestions. The ballot box can be customized to bear the company logo and colors. The organization can also give prizes to those who provided useful suggestions so that employees would be encouraged to utilize the suggestion box more.

School Organization Elections

Instead of using metal boxes, those who are in charge of holding school organization elections can use a corrugated ballot box. The box can be designed with school colors and even names and photos of candidates. The school mascot can also stand beside the ballot box to draw attention and make the occasion more meaningful.

Entertainment Shows and Festivals

Talent and entertainment shows and festivals are more exciting with raffle draws. You can use a ballot box where participants can drop their entries for a chance to win. You can accessorize the box with various trinkets and items to make it grand. You can also position it in a conspicuous place among the prizes to get the people more excited.

The next time you hold any of the above mentioned events remember to utilize a corrugated ballot box to add something unique and different to a usually predictable occasion. A cardboard box may look ordinary when bare but it can be attractive once you decorate and accessorize it.

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