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Suggestion Drop Box Engage Retail Customers

Suggestion Drop Box
When you engage with customers, you want to learn what they think about your brand. You want them to provide feedback about the experience they are having at your store. A suggestion drop box can help you solicit and collect feedback or even get donations and votes for products or your brand. There are many ways you can use retail ballot boxes in your business, you just need to know how to present the boxes to the customers so that they interact and engage.

Have a Professional Design Style 

Just because you are not selling anything in the box, you don’t have to create something that is unattractive.  Look for a professional style for the suggestion box just the same way you would create a packaging box. You can work around the colors and other design elements like visuals to attract the customers and engage them so that they drop their suggestions in the box.

Convenient Size

The ballot boxes in your retail store are an addition to the contents in your store. Your space is limited, and you want to make the best of it. Go for a size that won’t clutter the store floor or space. Choose a model that is going to provide ample space for ballots or suggestions without consuming unnecessary space. You can even have the box feature a built-in spot for placing pens as well as comment cards so that you won’t have to utilize another different space for these items. It also makes it convenient for the customers because they make their comments or suggestions from one place and drop them in the box without having to move from one space to another in your store.

Versatile and Easy Installation

When building suggestion boxes for your business, you need to ensure that they are easy to set up. You just want to set the box and get back to your work. Also, get a box that you can mount on the floor so that you take advantage of the foot traffic in your store, especially in heavy-use areas. If the space on the floor is restricted, let the suggestion box fit on the wall by mouthing it there. It will help you save the floor space.

A ballot box shouldn’t be perceived as a less useful item in your store. It has a distinct role to play in engaging and interacting with a customer. When presenting it to customers, make sure it offers a convenient way for the customers to place their suggestion cards or votes.

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