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The Right Kind of Shipping Tools

There is a lot of more to packing than one realizes and when the package has to be shipped overseas, the story gets even more complicated. Many companies have come up with innovative solutions to help ensure that the products that are shipped, arrive at the destination in perfect condition. You have to consider the various conditions that the package will be exposed too and there is also a chance that the box might get dropped by accident. So while packing, you should make sure that no matter what, the contents are safe, and that is why it is essential to choose the right kind of shipping tools.

Things needed

When it comes to packaging materials for overseas shipments, there are many things that are involved such as the following:

  • Tapes
  • Bags
  • Labels
  • Wrapping material
  • Boxes
  • Dividers
  • Styrofoam 8475266671

All of the above can be custom made in whatever shape and size you need. You can even get them custom printed so that they display your brand name, logo and company information.

A few tips

Anybody can pack a box or bag, but not everybody can pack a product for shipment effectively. However, with the following tips, one can pack like a pro in no time at all.

  1. Fill up empty spaces with Styrofoam peanuts or any other loose packing materials. Overfill slightly so that it can settle. Do not use this method for packing flat and thin products.
  2. Use corrugated dividers while packing fragile stuff and do not be stingy with bubble sheets when you have to pack glassware. You can use bubble wrap for flexible items as well and you can cut them to any size that you want.
  3. Use foam-in-place for secure packing and make sure that the foam-in-place is done evenly.

Things to do

It is not just a matter of putting stuff inside a box and then sealing it off. One has to make sure that the contents are secure and will not break when moved around. The lid has to be sealed properly and the address has to be readable. You can get customized wrapping tools and tapes from Instabox which specializes in packaging materials. The shipping tools have to be strong and at the same time light enough to be used repeatedly, for long periods of time. Make sure that you use a sufficient amount of wrapping material so that the products are adequately covered.


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