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Shipping Materials That Every Business Needs

Your business is your life. You want the best of the best for your clients. You want to protect your investments and make sure that they get where they need to be. If this sounds like you, you need to know all about shipping your products. The shipping materials that you choose for shipping your products to your clients should be chosen with care because your reputation is at stake. When you take the time to choose the ideal shipping supplies, you are taking the time to protect yourself, your merchandise and your clients all at once.

Here is a compiled list of 5 shipping supplies that you might not have thought of when planning for shipping your merchandise.

  1. Custom Printed Bags- providing your clients with customer printed bags when they make purchases can give your business an extra edge against your competitor who doesn’t. Imagine the impact that seeing your logo on a daily basis, all over town, will have on your business.
  2. Custom Printed Tape- Now that online sales are skyrocketing, you may find yourself mailing more and more merchandise. Instead of using plain, clear packing tape, why not have custom made printed tape? When you seal your box with tape that has your logo on it, you are giving your customer another shot to recognize your logo.
  3. Hand Trucks- These handy tools allow you to easily move up to 1000 lbs of merchandise without straining or hurting yourself. They are perfect for moving boxes around in your shipping area and onto the trucks.
  4. Paper Wrapping Material- When you have smaller items in your boxes, you may need to have some wrapping material. A low cost option to replace costly packing peanuts is to use colored paper. You can choose a color that goes best with your brand. You can also use newsprint or tissue paper.
  5. Shipping Tags and Accessories- adding shipping tags to your boxes can allow you one more chance at infusing your brand to your shipping materials. You can also use them to keep track of where your boxes need to go to.

Remember that the small touches are the ones that your clients will remember. Going above and beyond to show off your brand on your shipping materials, and to package your merchandise can make all the difference between you and your competitor.


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