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Shipping Made Easy with a Mailing Tube

Mailing Tube
Square or rectangular mailing boxes are a prototype. But on a practical note, not all items can fit perfectly well in a four-cornered box. Items that are slender and long such as a set of paintbrushes, cosmetic items or wide-format printing materials such as architectural plans, blueprints, artworks and other important documents are some of the items that need tight and secure packaging. Admit it, these items need to stick together especially when they must be transported from one place to another. But the good news is, a mailing tube has been designed exactly for this purpose.

Just like any other packaging material, a mailing tube is of different types and designs for a variety of items and merchandises.

Economy Mailing Tube or One-color/Four-color Litho Tube

This type of mailing tube is fiber-made. It comes with a metal end-cap or friction-fit end plugs. The best feature of this canister is that it can be customized to the customer’s liking. This customized tube can either have one-color or four-color lithographic design. As per customer’s request, its unique and attractive appearance is made especially for clients who are looking to captivate their customer’s interest in buying their product. It is mostly used for smaller items among other mailing tubes. It can also come as plain or without any lithographic markings at all.

Telescoping Litho Tube

Any type of printing material, document or artwork needs just enough space so that its ends or any part of it is crumple-free or tear-free. The telescoping litho tube is designed to fit these types of important documents and materials. Its fiber-made canister is adjustable like a telescope to match the length or width of the rolled material matched with a metal end-cap. With a lithographic design as per customer’s request, this canister can also look top-notch.

Heavy-walled Telescoping Mailing Tube

While the standard telescoping tube adjusts for softer or paper-made materials, a heavy-walled telescoping tube is made solely for lengthy hard materials such as tent poles used for trade shows or industrial parts such as steel or metal construction rods. This type of canister comes with pre-attached end-caps to avoid slip-off and for it to be strictly sealed and secured during shipping, its fiber-made walls are thick and durable enough over the rest of the canisters.

The good thing about these canisters is that their materials are made to last long and can be re-used for its purpose. For more reliable shipping and long-lasting canisters, shipping tubes in Kelowna B.C. are known to be widely used and bought by customers.

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