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Selecting the Right Packaging Tape

If you are looking to ship a product or to simply store it in your home, selecting the right packaging tape is vital in order to ensure that your package stays tightly sealed. Packaging companies offer a variety of tape options that typically have two applications: sealing shipping boxes and sealing storage boxes. Therefore, a variety of tape types are available that differ in terms of thickness, color, width, and adhesive type.

Adhesive Type

A packaging tape with hot melt adhesive is the best option if you need to seal a box for shipping. This is because this type of tape has superior holding power and high initial tack. When your boxes are being transported, they may not be handled with the utmost care, so it is important to select a tape that will not remove from your package. When using this type of tape you can ensure that your package will stay sealed, and it can also be used to connect boxes together.

If you are simply storing items in boxes, your adhesive strength needs may be different. In this case, a tape containing an acrylic adhesive is usually your best option. Acrylic tape is able to withstand a variety of temperatures and environments, including storage facilities, garages, and warehouses. This type of tape can also remain sealed for several years.


When it comes to product packaging, the weight of the package is essential in determining the type of tape to use, especially when it comes to tape thickness. Packaging tape is typically measured in the term of “mils” for thickness. Most options range between 1.6 and 3.0 mils. Light-weight packages typically only need a tape that is 1.6 mils, while packages that exceed 20 lbs. in weight will need to use an adhesive tape measuring 3.0 mils in thickness.

Width and Color

Width and color also differ when it comes to packaging tape, and these factors can be important in choosing the right type. The common width for packing tape options are two and three inches. Small and lightweight boxes can remain sealed with a two inch tape, while large boxes may need a three inch roll in order to achieve greater security and adhesion during transport. In terms of color, options are available in almost all hues, but the most commonly used tape is usually clear, and this is also thought to be the most economical option on the market.


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