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The Varied Uses of Cardboard Displays

When you have a lot of things to be displayed and making shelves are too expensive, then the obvious solution is to invest in cardboard displays. They are easy to make, can be ordered in bulk and yet, turn out to be inexpensive. You can use them to stack and display products like magazines, DVDs, books, toys and everything under the sun. It is the ideal way to display small items like key chains, novelty items and trinkets. Rather than piling them up, stack them neatly in a display stand where people can easily pick them up while shopping will increase sales of those products. They also do not have to be in boring colors but can be made in any color and with a design. They can be kept outside as an advertisement with images or models of products displayed.

Use them at home too

Use paperboard displays at home to clear up clutter, especially in the children’s room. You can get them done in attractive colors and sizes to make the children want to use them. They can be used in the living room to stack magazines and newspapers. As they are inexpensive, you can decorate your house with different kinds of displays and throw them out when you get bored with them. Cardboard displays can be ordered with any design, picture or logo. Children will love to get one made with their favorite cartoon character and you can dispose of them when the children grow up.

Easy to store and easy to use

When you no longer need to use them, just fold them and store them away. Paperboard displays are equally easy to set up as well and they can be kept anywhere. They are not heavy and can be maintained easily. They can be used as a center piece of display anything you like or they can help kept things safe and out of the way. Since they are so easy to manufacture, they can be shipped over to your destination in a relatively short period of time.

Going Green

Instabox makes cardboard displays 100% eco-friendly so that it will never be a hazard to the environment. They can be re-used and when you no longer want or need them, they can be recycled. However, if you do not want to recycle them, they will naturally decompose and become a part of the soil with no harm to the environment. The decomposition time is also relatively less when compared to other materials. However, plastics and metal will never decompose and when you make display boards out of them, then they become an environmental hazard.


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