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Corrugated Box – Dream Up The Ideal One

Your customers are important to you and it is every business owner’s dream to have their product delivered in perfect condition. Now that would require the perfect box with the exact specifications of the product dimension, so that there is no extra space and therefore, no chance of damages. Although, there are many companies offering readymade folding cardboard boxes, it might not fit your requirements if your product has a unique shape. Sometimes, you might need your box to have compartments to fit accessories and that might not be available in a standard, readymade box.

So what you need is a box made just for you, in the way that you want it. You can get any type of box with the following added to it:

  • Labels
  • Stickers
  • Dividers
  • Packaging materials

Ordering folding cardboard boxes takes the headache out of manufacturing it and getting the help of specialists just adds to the perfect touch. Having the perfect finish talks a lot about your company and it is in fact, a type of advertising which is subtle and loud at the same time. Also, getting your boxes from a box supplier will ensure that you choose the right materials, since the supplier will be able to guide you, depending upon the product.

You can make use of a corrugated box for your own use as well, especially when you want to store your belongings for a season. You can go in for an old used box but the chances are, your belongings are going to get damaged. So even if you think that the investment is a bit too high for home use, it will eventually prove to be the wiser decision as it will act as a more secure option for your goods. Also, you might require special boxes for a specific purpose or special occasions and old boxes will never do.

Most suppliers of folding cardboard boxes stipulate a minimum number such as a 100 or 500. However, if you want just one to try out, you can order from Instabox, which allows the customer to order a single box. Try it on for size and if that is not right, you can always change your specifications later on. Also, ordering just one corrugated box is not as expensive as you might think. In fact, it is cheaper in the long run to reject just one as opposed to a hundred boxes, which you would have otherwise bought from another company.


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