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High Quantity of Counter Top Display Options

High Quantity of Counter Top Display

Candy is amongst the most typical products included in a high quantity of counter top display options. There is an abundance to select from; therefore, it is simple for store owners to pick a selection which will please their patrons, and it is popular amongst a broad array of customers, meaning you are just as likely to please a shopping grandma as you will be to please the grandson she is with.

As an owner of a business, perhaps you already have determined what type of candy your shop is going to sell, as well as the type of candy you are going to display upon your countertop; but, if you require some assistance, consider the following two factors: the types of customers your shop will attract and countertop space there is to work with.

Consider the Customers

Because they’ll cater to a broad array of customers, retail businesses such as grocery stores and convenience stores usually include just as broad a variety of candies inside their countertop corrugated display options. For instance, bulk wrapped candies such as Squirrel Nut Zippers, Laffy Taffy, Jolly Ranchers, Starlight Mints, as well as Atomic Fireballs usually satisfy the crowds, as will bulk unwrapped goodies such as good & Plenty, Mike & Ike, Jelly Beans, Hot Tamales, M&Ms, Skittles, Sprees, and Runts.

But, if your company handles a more mature demographic, you may want to think about candies such as Rich’s Gourmet Chocolates and European-Style Gold Label Chocolates These types of candies will work well to make the countertop displays more attractive for customers who have outgrown those days of Tootsie Rolls and Jawbreakers. While they are popular in grocery stores and convenience stores, they also are well received within more formal hotels and restaurant settings.

Consider your Countertop’s Size

Countertop displays featuring candy require containers that store, organize, and highlight that candy. You’ll have many choices to select from, which include clear and colored plastic containers, glass jars, and food grade plastic containers The type of containers you select will depend upon the type of candy you sell and the overall environment of the convenience store.

If there’s ample countertop area to work with, you may display many different types of candies using various small or medium-sized candy containers or a couple of big candy containers. You may want to place the candy bins on top of countertop racks, or you may want to be creative and play with the container’s positions to form your very own display.

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