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Custom Countertop Display Boxes for Storefront

Custom Boxes

Cardboard display cases in storefronts are nothing new. It has been in the forefront of modern retail, especially for bakeries and beauty shops. Though cardboard, the good reason for its longevity is that it simply works.

Why Should You Use Display Boxes?

Having a customized display box is a great way to present your business or product. It not only helps sell your products, but it also promotes your brand above its competitors by catching the buyers’ attention first.

Mass producing large quantities of custom display boxes is normally not in the budget or the interest of small retailers and businesses. There are companies that offer wholesale display box in Burnaby B.C. that can make as little as one box to thousands of boxes for retailers who are interested in promoting a hot item.

Counter Top Display Boxes Help Allure Customers Into Buying Your Product

Countertop display boxes can help entice customers to buy a particular product over other alternative items. It is customary for retailers to carry multiple brands of a single item, though there are times where they would prefer to promote one particular brand due to its hype, profit margin, or clearance reasons.

Stand up and countertop display boxes can be printed with any design. It can be customized to fit any product big or small and can handle self-promotion with its large backdrop tabs. These countertop display boxes normally pay for themselves in terms of cost-benefit but they do take up a lot of shelf space.

Premium shelf space is limited in any store. This is why it is necessary to custom fit a countertop display box to fit the maximum number of displays in your prime shelf space. This is where custom wholesale boxes really shine. It gives retailers the ability to maximize their promotional area by fitting as many products as possible in the prime shelf space.

Manufacturers can also help their distributors and retailers by sending them free countertop display boxes. It would force most retailers to use the display box for your item and place it in prime shelf space areas. This would give your brand a leg up against their competitors especially in huge storefronts that carry large numbers of brands.

Stand up display boxes also create their own shelf space. This would allow products to be placed in doorways, outside, and other prime retail areas not normally used by the store. Indeed, display boxes go a long way in selling a product.

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