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Printing Types


A Floodcoat is quite straight-forward. The box materials, be it paperboard or corrugated cardboard, are completely covered from head to foot with a one color “flood” of printing. This printing method is the most cost-effective, but leaves you with only one color. In order to have a logo on top of this, you must opt for the floodcoat and flexographic printing. Floodcoat printing is available in a wide range of colors, including the Pantone line of inks.


Flexographic printing is used when a logo or simple line art drawing is to be put on a plain box. Flexographic printing uses the same principle as stamping, only on a larger scale. Great for putting your logo on any shipping containers.

Floodcoat and Flexographic

This is a combination of the two principles above. First a floodcoat is applied and let to dry. Afterwards, the boxes are run through the flexograpic process and another logo or picture is applied in a different color over top of the base coat. You can achieve some very stunning results with this method.

Lithographic Laminate

Lithographic Laminating involves the glueing of a printed sheet to the cardboard of the box before the cardboard is die cut. With this method, you can achieve the higher-end look to your packaging. Lithographic Laminating is most often used on software boxes and cereal boxes. It removes the corrugated look from the cardboard, while ensuring the quality of complex logos, pictures and photographs.